does anyone know of reputable firms handling excess baggage to Europe, in particular Greece? I have an allowance of 80 kgs with SQ but as I will be moving I need to send some stuff as excess baggage.
Madwombat let google be your friend but DHL and similar do these sorts of things. Check a DHL (or similar) price versus booking in advance with the airline. They can offer good rates also if they have enough notice.
Singapore Airlines - PPS Club
Member since 14 Nov 2012
Total posts 28
does anyone know of reputable firms handling excess baggage to Europe, in particular Greece? I have an allowance of 80 kgs with SQ but as I will be moving I need to send some stuff as excess baggage.
Member since 19 Apr 2012
Total posts 737
Madwombat let google be your friend but DHL and similar do these sorts of things. Check a DHL (or similar) price versus booking in advance with the airline. They can offer good rates also if they have enough notice.
Singapore Airlines - PPS Club
Member since 14 Nov 2012
Total posts 28
Thanks Patrickk. Seven Seas and similar have quoted about AUD 1,600 for 2 large suitcases totalling 60 Kgs. The discounted rate from SQ is 36USD/kg.
Member since 31 Mar 2014
Total posts 284
Pop your details into a freight aggregator like Transdirect. I did a test on 2x 30KG boxes at 50x50x50cm and pricing came out at $1141 from Toll.