Virgin Australia cuts fares for stranded Qantas travellers

Virgin Australia is now offering special discounted “Stranded Passenger" fares to assist travellers hit by the sudden Qantas shutdown.
The fares are listed at a 20 per cent discount on “available Saver fares on Virgin Australia and Pacific Blue flights” and are valid for Qantas ticket-holders from today through to next Thursday, 3 November 2011.
Stranded travellers can apply for the special fares online at
Special fares for passengers wishing to travel on Virgin’s V Australia international arm are yet to be advised.
Eligible passengers are those who are "currently at a port away from home and hold a Qantas ticket to return home initially within the next 5 days", according to an airline statement.
The airline says that full details will be published at as soon as they become available. (We suggest also keeping an eye on the @VirginAustralia Twitter account).
Virgin Australia is also discussing whether its alliance partners -- potentially including Etihad, Air New Zealand and even Singapore Airlines -- can help add extra flights "as soon as possible".
For the latest on the situation, head to Australian Business Traveller's continuing coverage of the Qantas shutdown.
Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards
24 Aug 2011
Total posts 781
Rumour (!) has it QF was running around booking hotels up a few days ago...
Interesting to see what Virgin will do to expand capacity.
15 Apr 2011
Total posts 580
I guess longer term VA will say that they will match the fare paid by the pax to QF. That way the pax is never out of pocket and VA still gets as much additional traffic as they can fit...
15 Aug 2011
Total posts 33
OH QANTAS what the hell are you doing to your staff and your reputations here in australia and internationaly as well. There is no airlines without the people working in it, so show your real true blue aussie spirits and look after your most important assett MR JOYCE. Your employees
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