Qantas A380 being removed from some LAX flights

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Member since 01 Apr 2014

Total posts 19

Got a message from QF tonight that the A380 is being removed from the schedule some days - still on the telephone merry-go-round to try and resolve but I have flights booked in F on QF11/QF12 during September that now have to change due to the A380 apparently being pulled (and thus no F cabin available).

No updates yet from ExpertFlyer alerts for an aircraft change, and schedules on QF website not updated yet, and my booking showing as normal still.

Anybody know what the changes are?

KW72 Banned

KW72 Banned

Member since 17 Jun 2020

Total posts 66

Originally Posted by born2fish

Got a message from QF tonight that the A380 is being removed from the schedule some days - still on the telephone merry-go-round to try and resolve but I have flights booked in F on QF11/QF12 during September that now have to change due to the A380 apparently being pulled (and thus no F cabin available).

No updates yet from ExpertFlyer alerts for an aircraft change, and schedules on QF website not updated yet, and my booking showing as normal still.

Anybody know what the changes are?

In another thread I had about QF 1 it seems there are not enough A380 in service. So flights are being cancelled or significantly delayed as a result.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Oct 2019

Total posts 85

Basically Qantas has three A380s in service being VH-OQD OQJ OQK.

Unfortunately OQD is very broken at the moment and they down to two rotations which are both on QF1 and hence the shocking delays there.

There are three more that are nearly ready to re enter service. OQB which was the first one back is currently being refurbished.

OQH is in Abu Dhabi having its C check

And OQG has left Victorville.

Everyone needs to be patient with the A380s they have all clearly suffered in the desert more than expected. All of the active ones have had problems.


Member since 01 Apr 2014

Total posts 19

Originally Posted by vhojm

Basically Qantas has three A380s in service being VH-OQD OQJ OQK.

Unfortunately OQD is very broken at the moment and they down to two rotations which are both on QF1 and hence the shocking delays there.

There are three more that are nearly ready to re enter service. OQB which was the first one back is currently being refurbished.

OQH is in Abu Dhabi having its C check

And OQG has left Victorville.

Everyone needs to be patient with the A380s they have all clearly suffered in the desert more than expected. All of the active ones have had problems.

Thanks for the extra context vhojm - the challenge is that the schedules have not been updated yet, as nobody at the QF Call Centres can actually tell me which flights have been cancelled after being on hold for 1hr whilst they make some enquiries with scheduling. Somebody there must know, as I got a phone call last night saying that the A380's were being removed from some flights and to give them a call back to sort out rebookings, but didn't specify which flights on the message.

As an aside, both my calls were answered within 15mins, but when on hold whilst they make further enquiries the phone calls kick over to the automated survey after about 45mins and then the call drops.


Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 87

Originally Posted by vhojm

Basically Qantas has three A380s in service being VH-OQD OQJ OQK.

Unfortunately OQD is very broken at the moment and they down to two rotations which are both on QF1 and hence the shocking delays there.

There are three more that are nearly ready to re enter service. OQB which was the first one back is currently being refurbished.

OQH is in Abu Dhabi having its C check

And OQG has left Victorville.

Everyone needs to be patient with the A380s they have all clearly suffered in the desert more than expected. All of the active ones have had problems.

I think QF probably didn't store them particularly well because they expected to retire them rather than restore to service. Now they are needed back, that earlier decision is shown to be a false economy.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 01 May 2017

Total posts 13

I was booked on QF11 outbound in July and was notified of the downgrade to 787 J (Reward Seat so I wasn’t concerned with fare differences or changing dates meh). According to the gentleman I spoke to in Hobart who was performing the downgrades. The service will operate as an A380 three times per week. You should receive a call from a Hobart representative about the downgrade as I did (they said they were doing the rounds). You’ll be offered a J downgrade or re-accomodation on the A380 service which will operate on another day. If you’re on a commercial ticket, do NOT accept the downgrade. Pay an extra night accomodation and fly F as the fare difference will be marginal which makes stomaching more $$ on accomodation easier. Also hang up and call again until you get Hobart, cannot stress this enough.


Member since 25 Jul 2011

Total posts 10

I hope they get an expanded A380 fleet back in service this year. It seems strange to me that they have not recommenced the SYD-DFW A380 service given how this is a core hub for getting to the east coast (and a better option for connecting to AA flights than LAX.

Does anyone know more about the return to service plans for the rest of the fleet?

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Qantas A380 being removed from some LAX flights

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