Lifetime Platinum

8 replies


Member since 05 Aug 2017

Total posts 55

Anyone here qantas lifetime platinum?

I just reached LTG and wonder if it is worth trying to chase LTP by collecting a whopping 75k SC (or an additional 61k SC from LTG). One would have to rack up 3000 SC per year for 20 years or 1500 SC for over 40 years - who knows if this program will be even around in few decades.

I guess the better option would be to try to reach LTG equivalent on *A. Any recommendations?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Jan 2018

Total posts 68

Congratulations on reaching LTG!

I guess it all depends on your personal circumstances. In my case, I already (mentally) gave up Qantas lifetime plat as soon as they announced the requirement many moons ago, 75K SC is no kidding.

In my opinion, try British airways lifetime gold (equiv. to lifetime plat on oneworld), 35K SC-equivalent of their scheme. Even if you have to start from 0 SC, it is 35K more SC vs. 60K more SC with Qantas (on top of 15K SC you have accumulated to hit LTG). And afaik, British Airways gives more SC-equivalent for similar routes, as opposed to Qantas.

Or try *Alliance lifetime gold equivalent, if they have such a scheme. But *Alliance doesn't have Platinum benefits, if you are fine with it.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 06 May 2022

Total posts 2

Congrats on LTG. I'm in my late 30s with just under 19k lifetime status credits, based on my current travel I will be early 50s if I was to reach LTP. I normally travel with Qantas since I am based in Sydney and gets me from point A to point B quickest to most destinations I go to. However, I am now a lot less brand loyal to Qantas now (prices are high / service is low) so probably won't get there. I also hope I am not doing this much travel in 15 year's time!!!


Member since 28 Mar 2018

Total posts 24

I'm LTG and often at Platinum. To me the extreme LTG vs LTP SC gap feels unattainable, even if I win Lotto.

Use your travel patterns to guide your decision.

Here's my rational on why I'm flying QF less after LTG.

I don't fly frequently enough to cities with the true Platinum services (F class check in, lounge etc). The cost/reward ratio isn't worth it.

I've also learned that airlines come and go, life happens and what made sense now may not make sense a few years down the track.

QF is my fall back airline, but now I'll take the best time/cost value option even if it doesn't contribute to LT status on any airline. I'm enjoy a greater variety of airlines, which makes flying almost fun again.

Last editedby Nalanji at Oct 20, 2022, 07:05 AM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 456

I'm in line with the other comments here having hit LTG about 15 years ago and with no realistic chance or desire to hit LTP given I still require 47k SC's...

I think Qantas got LTG about right - it rewarded loyal travellers and is enough to keep them loyal if/when lifestyle changes.

Having said that I think they've got LTP wrong both in terms of what's required to meet it and what they've included. With a bit more research I think they could turn LTP into a very desirable product/badge of loyalty


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

Agree. By making LTP so unattainable for those of us with LTG it has just meant a switch to other better value options such as SQ and LH often with much cheaper F and J fares and a far superior product.

Last editedby Joe at Oct 20, 2022, 03:19 PM.


Member since 24 Sep 2017

Total posts 16

Nalanji: ’ve also learned that airlines come and go, life happens and what made sense now may not make sense a few years down the track.

That rings very true.

I am also LTG, and I dont fly QF at all any more and no longer have any brand loyalty there.


Member since 01 Apr 2014

Total posts 17

I am also LTG and bounce between Plat / P1, but I have also given up on QF due in part to the unrealistic LTP goal that really doesn't offer me anything I value. I get into the lounge based on ticketed class of travel anyway, regardless of any status. After repeated frustrations with QF cancellations and mediocre onboard experiences, my next 3 long haul return flights in F cabins are already booked on competitors - that's circa $58k of revenue QF wont be seeing. You get to the point where any remaining goodwill towards QF is evaporated by consistently bad experiences, and just quietly move on like I have.


Member since 24 Sep 2017

Total posts 16

Originally Posted by born2fish

I am also LTG and bounce between Plat / P1, but I have also given up on QF due in part to the unrealistic LTP goal that really doesn't offer me anything I value. I get into the lounge based on ticketed class of travel anyway, regardless of any status. After repeated frustrations with QF cancellations and mediocre onboard experiences, my next 3 long haul return flights in F cabins are already booked on competitors - that's circa $58k of revenue QF wont be seeing. You get to the point where any remaining goodwill towards QF is evaporated by consistently bad experiences, and just quietly move on like I have.

So true...

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