Does anyone have fond memories of Airlines no longer flying?

21 replies


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Does anyone have fond memories of Airlines no longer flying? If so, what Airline, and what nostalgic memory.

Andrew Barkery

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2011

Total posts 433

Airline code: AN

Airline name: ANSETT 

Flew them a lot.

They (AN) were not allowed a lot of things, but look at VA now, VA is the 2015 version of AN.

Wonder what AN would be like, if it didn't cark it.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 943

During Ansett times I usually used Qantas, yet flew few times with them and cannot fault them anyhow. It is sad story when such lovely duopoly been destroyed and replaced with ugly zoo that we can see nowadays.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

I loved fying domestic in Australia when both airlines were full scale luxury airlines, the envy of the world.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Yes, what an airline that was. They were a wonderful Australian airline, had some great liveries, and those burnt orange 1970's Hostess uniforms were eye popping. It was a dynasty Ansett, Sir Reginald must be turning in his grave. Ansett was a leader, an innovator, TAA the follower with Government money behind it. Such a shame it was ever taken over by Air NZ and then scuttled as they themselves sank and were nationalised to stay afloat. I remember seeing the last Ansett 727 flight over Melbourne before everything was grounded. Years of bad management post Sir Reg at the helm saw the Airline dive, eventually allowing a smaller airline to buy a bigger airline. The writing was on the wall.


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 24 Jan 2013

Total posts 17

in my opinion the unions and a nefarious anti NZ attitude scuttled it ........NOT Air New Zealand , recall the 767 issues they were not of NZ making , yes there was mismanagement prior to NZ making the takeover and perhaps the takeover injudicious given the disgraceful sitaution pre existing  but ultimately everyone lost including all the FF . Say thank you to the unions and to the Aust Government of the day for allowing this to happen and give dear old Qantas a leg up in disguise. Wheels within Wheels me thinks !!


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Government, Unions and AIRNZ which had no money, it all resulted in a spectacular collapse.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 Sep 2013

Total posts 107

I well rememebr the Ansett union rep who boasted about 12 months before their demise, that they had 'screwed' Ansett for the best wage outcome for any airline in Australia, or maybe the world.  12 months later none of them had a job.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

And poor Ansett was limping since the pilots strike, that didn't help either.


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Hello again, I've just noticed your from Wellington NZ. It was my opinion as an Australian that the blame for the collapse was being pointed to a Company, AirNZ, which pulled the final pin on Ansett, and not a country, I dont think ordinary Australian people were blaming New Zealanders in any way shape or form. What did happen courtesy of the unions was an official blockade of visiting NZ Prime Minister Helen Clarks departing AirNZ jet, which was grounded and black banned. Disgracefull behaviour. A call to John Howard Australian PM arranged a Hellicopter flight for your PM and entourage to our Sale RAAF Airforce base, where Helen Clark and party had a Hercules waiting to take them back to NZ.


Member since 18 Mar 2014

Total posts 39

IMO, Ansett was in trouble a long time before Air NZ bought into it. Poor management (from Murdoch), some terrible fleet choices and bad maintenance (remember the grounding around Easter), high union costs, as well as the introduction of Virgin Blue, all put huge pressure on profitability.

Something had to give, and whilst Air NZ would I'm sure agree  they didn't do due diligence on the books, they were the ones left with the hot potato.

Such a shame, but I personally lay the blame squarely on Murdoch...


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 24 Jan 2013

Total posts 17

agreed totally


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

Ansett and TAA gave out Junior Flyer badges to the kids, havent seen equivalent around with VA or QF. Maybe kids not interested in that stuff, too busy with their mobiles.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Nov 2014

Total posts 4

Qantas launched their Joey Club last year, giving young FF members a 'passport' where they can write all the details of their flight, and Virgin have done a similar thing, so it's a bit of a keepsake for them. It might not be on the same level as Ansett or TAA, I'm too young to know.



Member since 17 Dec 2013

Total posts 18

When I first started flying a lot I flew on Ansett

Their food was probably rubbish but for some reason I remember Ansett catering well. They were pretty generous with their meals I recall.

And I miss Golden Wing. They were great lounges. Comfortable. Minties. Nice martinis up in Brisbane Golden Wing. Good times.

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