Qantas 'First' Class..are you serious?

12 replies


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

Qantas prove they have ample capability to provide top notch products....what about 'First' class on the A380 Mr Joyce and its very very poor offerings i.e. standard J class lavs, cheap standard J class amenity kits, J class food, unpolished service(laid back is nice but being unpolished makes it look amateur), afterthought useless & unused upperdeck lounge. Compared to J class you get a thick mattress, slippers and dedicated lavs. First class lounge in Syd and Mel ONLY..LAX F is always too busy and has the ambience of a J lounge. No F lounges anywhere else. Paying 5-10K more for Qantas F is a disappointing wrought. I'd use points but NEVER again pay for it. Mr Joyce send your F class gurus to QR, EY, SQ, LH to learn how to run a premium cabin. Anyone who thinks QF First is worth 12-17K on average is either employed by QF spin machine or an apologist for the pathetic offering


Member since 30 Aug 2013

Total posts 149

When they're making a billion + dollars profit each year and obviously still selling F seats why would they improve it? Its worth what the market pays for it.


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

That the market clearly enjoys paper towels in the F Lavs, fresh cut grass 'garden' salads, 8 cold almonds on with pre flight drink and pre/post hand 'towels' so cheap the weaving is comes apart doesn't say much.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jun 2017

Total posts 9

Ergh... I’m glad I wasn’t on this flight with you. There’s enough videos / reviews etc on the web these days (umm like this website does a great job on this) to check this out enough before you casually drop that sort of money, (if you actually did?). Do some due diligence. I agree it’s a poor offering in the market but your soap boxing (smit above nails it) won’t make a difference. Hope you feel better after the rant though.

Sr Batrill

Member since 04 Dec 2017

Total posts 25

Maybe you as well as the market like the food and the paper plates & plastic utensils in a certain "first class premium lounge". Or maybe you enjoy scraping away at the rock hard frozen ice cream......

Sr Batrill

Member since 04 Dec 2017

Total posts 25

AJ is delusional about F Class. I note he recently referred to the new Business Class on the 787 as "mini first class".


Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 286

If you travel Qantas F, caveat emptor. Vote with your feet - don't do it.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 09 May 2013

Total posts 447

The truth is J is becoming everything F used to be. It is harder to get people to buy F if the J product is good. Airlines are silly to keep the F product, the future is good at J, PE and Economy.

Hence, airlines will try not to upgrade the F too much. Much like the ICC trying to keep the tests alive!


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

I laugh each time I walk into F lavs and how crew try their best to scroll the offcut rags they call 'hand towels' (all frayed at the edges) into flowers to make the lavs and hand wash/cream look glamorous. Not sure how they will achieve this however as F Lavs will now stock paper hand towels...found only in the best economy class lavs.

Last editedby Joe at Jan 19, 2018, 11:00 PM.



Member since 13 Feb 2016

Total posts 40

Agree, QF F is awful. I’m voting with my feet, as the last two (paid) trips to LHR in F were well below expectation on every front (other than the crew which were great).

Last editedby AGoldring at Jan 22, 2018, 08:29 PM.


Member since 10 Sep 2012

Total posts 6

There's no point having F if the airline isn't going to spend the money on providing a first class experience (duh!). Firstly, there are too many chairs in F on the 388. I'd remove five of them, for a total of nine (amongst other improvements). Then the food offerings need a drastic rethink - goodbye, Neil Perry - and the other touches such as the frayed hand-towels, etc, obviously need a fix as well.

The QF execs need to travel some long-haul trips on SQ, NH and EY to see how the other half really lives. There's no real incentive to cut seat numbers or improve amenities though, particularly over the Pacific where they're the only F game in town, and the last few times I've done QF 11/12 the load has been 14/14 both ways. That's a spicy meatball.

Last editedby petrhsr at Jan 24, 2018, 10:22 AM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 31 Jan 2016

Total posts 78

Just flew F to LHR. Sorry Joe, no paper towels, no fribby bits on the cloth towels, very good 'fizz' (aka real champagne) and very good red and white wines (I suggest you all actually try before commenting). Amenity kits are good and the staff on both legs were fantastic. Not sure what you are looking for, but there are not too many butlers or slaves in the air. If you really want something, ask. I find this works really well as most people I know don't have the ability to read anyone's mind.

As some of the comments have indicated Bus is the new First. I remember the days of long haul where the Bus seats didn't recline much, let alone go almost or fully flat. All products are now much better than 10 years ago through evolution of the market. If you are not happy with the service, leave.


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

I think you had too much fizz if you think you received a premium first service. That you feel you have says it all.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Qantas 'First' Class..are you serious?

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