Qantas Airbus A380: 12A or 12E

8 replies


Member since 23 Feb 2015

Total posts 269

Hi all

I’m going to be travelling business on the Qantas A380 in November, having not done so for about 8 years.

Assuming I’m not lucky enough the get on a refurbished version, I’m deciding whether to move from 12A where I am currently placed to 12E which is open.

I’m travelling alone and not fussed about the view.

Thoughts (including if there other seats I should consider). Cheers


Member since 23 Feb 2015

Total posts 269

Damn auto correct QF, not WE!!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 May 2012

Total posts 106

Avoid the back row in the centre. Can't recall the seat number? There's a fan or somesuch device that cycles on and off behind the bed and is quite distracting if you're trying to sleep.


Member since 09 Apr 2017

Total posts 64

Hi Steve,

I would take the 12A seat. This has the very handy window storage bins, great for storing pillows and blankets until you need them. Better yet, your laptop, books, water bottle and in my case shoulder bag.

But if you like to wander, 12E does mean you won't be stepping over anyone's legs as you are already on an aisle.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 24 Aug 2018

Total posts 25

I always take 12E. Reasons:

1. iI's in the mini business cabin, so quieter and more private.
2. On the A380, only the E/F seats save you from having to climb over/ be climbed over by somebody when the seats are flat.
3. The lounge is in front on the right, which makes E slightly better than F from the noise perspective.

But don't take my word for it - here's the wisdom of Chris:



Member since 04 Apr 2014

Total posts 136

Depends how tall you are. If you're tall then 12A is fine as you can easily step over your aisle seat companion and you get the window bins - 2 in this case as one of the 3 next to that seat is locked.

If you're not so tall and getting out is an issue then 12E solves that but at the cost of almost no storage space. Well, there is a bin on the back of the seat in front but you have to get out of your seat to reach it.


Member since 23 Feb 2015

Total posts 269

Awesome thanks everyone. I’m roughly 6’4” and having the storage is helpful so might stick where I am.

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Damn auto correct QF, not WE!!

Hi Steve, on this part of the site users can edit their own posts, although on this occasion we've edited it for you.


Member since 23 Feb 2015

Total posts 269

Damn auto correct QF, not WE!!

Hi Steve, on this part of the site users can edit their own posts, although on this occasion we've edited it for you.

Thanks Chris - my experience was you can edit the text but not the header.

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