Fiji Air business class disappeared one day with no notice
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Oct 2017
Total posts 6
Has anyone else found they paid for business class and find out after check in that there is no business class on the flight? I had a return business class ticket from Tonga to Brisbane via Nadi. Checked in at Fua'amotu and got two boarding passes. Business class from Tonga to Nadi was fine, but I declined. During transit in Nadi, when entering the business class lounge, it was only then I noticed that the second boarding pass was Economy. I queried this at the lounge, to be told this flight no longer has business class, and was operated by some mob called Miami Airways! I was not at all prepared for an economy flight (pillow, headphones etc). I whipped out my ticket to prove I had paid for and ticketed business class. Response? Sorry, maybe they will refund you! It amazes me that at no stage did Fiji Airways attempt to contact me to let me know they no longer offered business class. If given notice I could have gone back through Auckland in Business. Nor did Fiji Airways let me know when I checked in in Tonga. Really poor. After writing to them, they said they would refund the difference. I would have preferred the choice of cancelling the ticket if they had the decency to let me know in advance.
Member since 31 Mar 2014
Total posts 284
Fiji are using Miami Airways to cover the gap left by the grounding of the 737 Max aircraft. I agree that it is poor that they didn't tell you beforehand. But this gives you an idea why.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 26 May 2014
Total posts 320
Maybe better in economy class than on a 737MAX!
Member since 25 Sep 2013
Total posts 376
"Business class from Tonga to Nadi was fine, but I declined."
British Airways - Executive Club
Member since 24 Jan 2012
Total posts 87
Did you book the tickets directly or via a travel agent?
American Airlines - AAdvantage
Member since 13 Jul 2015
Total posts 61
I don't understand what you declined. Why did you decline?
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Oct 2017
Total posts 6
Apologies, that sentence was meant to read that I declined the good food that was on offer on that sector, because I was going to eat on the business class sector from Nadi to Brisbane.
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Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 20 Oct 2017
Total posts 6
I book my own flights always. Certainly no email triggered from FJ.