COVID-19 vaccine - paid options

83 replies


Member since 20 Sep 2019

Total posts 8

Originally Posted by Rotten

Well KW72, It appears that you may well be one of those Stupid Selfish Sydneysiders who support the idiots in power in NSW who allowed the Ruby Princess passengers to disperse this scourge throughout the nation in the first place. The courageous and well supported actions of the Queensland government (confirmed by their resounding election victory last year) have maintained Qld as the "safe state" where we have been able to maintain a normalcy of life through this. In the meantime I for one am keen to resume my annual travel to Canada and Europe, along with my international house guest who has been (happily) trapped here with ever increasing Visa costs while other idiots continue to deny the medical facts and spread the virus far and wide.

The actions of the QLD government are absolutely disgraceful. The long term affect on business, on the economy, on mental health and on the community are unforgivable. A crazy political game being played by those running our state is destroying it and putting us in the massive debt we are now faced with. I'm sure if these politicians had to deal with and suffer directly with massive drops in their income plus deteriortion in their health and their mental well being caused by their decisions, their decisions would be a very different story. To play the games she did last week by saying the border restrictions into QLD would possibly remain closed until March and then 2 days later, they announced a full opening is completely unacceptable and highlights the fact that she thinks this is a game she is playing, a game that is affecting so many of us, our lives and our livelihoods. It shows her for her power hungry, bullying, threatening terrible human being she obviously is.

QLD is tourist state, based on tourism and this government as good as shut us down through our busiest peak period where we had the chance to recoup a small amount of our massive losses from 2020 but then the government turned off the majority of this hope by opening the borders too late in 2020 only to then close them down merely 3 weeks later to the biggest money area of Australia. We needed those families and tourists from Sydney to come to QLD to have their holidays, spend their money and inject some desperately needed funds into our economy and local businesses.

The fear mongering and scare campaigns by politicians and the media nationwide is unforgivable. Courageous actions - please, there is nothing courageous about killing our state and putting us into huge massive debt. Well supported - the fear mongering campaigns were highly successful, coupled with the terrible selfish attitude of those like retirees voting for this governments policies so their local cafes, shopping centres, restaurants and local areas remained tourist free so they could easily get carparks, have less people around and enjoy peacefulness without the crowds that tourism brings.


Member since 20 Sep 2019

Total posts 8

Originally Posted by SooziQu

Wow. Let me pay because I want to jump the queue to travel... either for business or to see family or just because I can. This just smacks of entitlement. No Tracie, the roll-out schedule is based on age, vulnerability and the necessity for frontline workers first. Put your purse away sit down and wait your turn.

I do not think this is the case at all. For sure if it is purely to travel for leisure and holiday but definitely not when someones's income, business and overseas operations are directly related to being able to travel for thier work. This is not entitlement, this is purely trying to survive and maintain an income coming in or business operations going. It is very easy to make judgements and off the cuff comments when your income, employment and business operations are Australian based and not being able to travel has zero affect on the money coming in, but when it is then it is a whole different story.

A lot of people are hurting with this and being able to get back overseas is critical to a number of people for their livelihoods and financial stability.

There is always more than one side to things and i think branding anyone as being entitled and it smacking of entitlement simply because they asked a question like this is not taking into consideration the reasons behind this. For anyone in this situation this will be about survival and far from being about entitlement.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 16 Jan 2018

Total posts 68

I hear you "Jmb". I guess for majority of Australian residents, their lives and work are mostly contained within Australia, so the impact of overseas travel mobility is minimal, if at all. Looking at the percentage of passport holders in Australia, we really are not a bunch of travellers as how we like to believe. The need to maintain international connection is something that won't be appreciated by many people - definitely not by the people around me. (Everytime I voiced out any opinion against QLD government strict measures, I am met with 'if you don't like it here, pack-up and leave'-kind of attitude).

I do not see anything wrong with being able to access vaccine earlier if you really need to travel overseas (and obviously have been granted the exemption to travel overseas) because you do have valid and essential reasons to do so. Travelling overseas for essential reasons will expose you to a much higher risk of catching COVID-19. I don't see why people in this group cannot be in a priority OR, be eligible for earlier possibly-paid access. When you have overseas businesses whereby your livelihood is dependent on the survival of the business, I don't understand how people could still label you as 'selfish' and 'queue jumper'.

Australia has pursued the path of eliminating COVID-19 and Australia is a very very good shape now. But we have also built ourselves an ivory tower so high that we can't be connected to other countries (hell, we can't even make it work with NZ!). Question is when? At this trajectory, Australia truly is an island for the coming 2-3 years at least.


Member since 20 Sep 2019

Total posts 8

Originally Posted by Greg E

Originally Posted by Debsie

I don’t agree with the PAYG vaccine idea but I do see some sense in allowing those who want to leave Australia indefinitely to request it after the priority people have received their shots, and as long as the supplies are plentiful and they commit to not return in the short term. What is concerning though, is this gov can’t be trusted to develop well thought out and equitable policies! ie robodebt?? So watch this space!

I agree. It's not the Australian way to allow people that can afford it to jump the queue. Getting the vaccine earlier based on merit is fine, but buying it is not.

what about for those of us who earn our money overseas and are fighting for our livelihood and survival because we cannot get back to our business and overseas operations ????


Member since 18 Feb 2021

Total posts 1

2 days ago I made a PCR test... the whole process is really awful. I couldn't stop crying after it and I had a headache till the next morning, very bad. Thank God the result is negative and now I can book tickets and fly to see my parents in their property in Spain here.

Last editedby Batisto at Feb 21, 2021, 11:51 PM.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 18 Jul 2015

Total posts 17

If they want you to pay, 99.999999% chance scam


Member since 19 Oct 2018

Total posts 2

All this talk about getting the COVID vaccine early at this point in time is pointless until all the countries have agreements in place for vaccinated travelers or you could still be spending 2 weeks in quarantine before you can do anything. Don't be in too much of a hurry to race through that gate just yet!

Greg E

Member since 26 Sep 2020

Total posts 26

Originally Posted by Evans

All this talk about getting the COVID vaccine early at this point in time is pointless until all the countries have agreements in place for vaccinated travelers or you could still be spending 2 weeks in quarantine before you can do anything. Don't be in too much of a hurry to race through that gate just yet!

and that is not going to happen until there is widespread vaccination that is at or approaching herd immunity in Australia and the country you are travelling from. Qantas is taking bookings for late October 2021. One hopes that is based on discussions with government and not a ploy to force their hand on early reopening.

Richard W

Singapore Airlines - KrisFlyer

Member since 12 Apr 2017

Total posts 88

Originally Posted by Greg E

Originally Posted by Evans

All this talk about getting the COVID vaccine early at this point in time is pointless until all the countries have agreements in place for vaccinated travelers or you could still be spending 2 weeks in quarantine before you can do anything. Don't be in too much of a hurry to race through that gate just yet!

and that is not going to happen until there is widespread vaccination that is at or approaching herd immunity in Australia and the country you are travelling from. Qantas is taking bookings for late October 2021. One hopes that is based on discussions with government and not a ploy to force their hand on early reopening.

Force their hand I say. Open the borders now!

Greg E

Member since 26 Sep 2020

Total posts 26

Originally Posted by Richard W

Originally Posted by Greg E

Originally Posted by Evans

All this talk about getting the COVID vaccine early at this point in time is pointless until all the countries have agreements in place for vaccinated travelers or you could still be spending 2 weeks in quarantine before you can do anything. Don't be in too much of a hurry to race through that gate just yet!

and that is not going to happen until there is widespread vaccination that is at or approaching herd immunity in Australia and the country you are travelling from. Qantas is taking bookings for late October 2021. One hopes that is based on discussions with government and not a ploy to force their hand on early reopening.

Force their hand I say. Open the borders now!

You are kidding aren't you.


Member since 31 Jul 2018

Total posts 17

I’m going the freebie option this afternoon 😁

Greg E

Member since 26 Sep 2020

Total posts 26

Originally Posted by Neon

I’m going the freebie option this afternoon 😁

At first I thought lucky you but then realised you would be getting it because you are in a high risk category.

Phil O'Paistree

Member since 10 Dec 2018

Total posts 3

Originally Posted by j13

I received the Moderna vaccine in the US last year and applied to the Australian government for reduced/home quarantine or no quarantine. My application was rejected and their response was, there will be no changes to hotel quarantine unless the vaccine is proven to prevent asymptomatic cases. Initial data suggest Moderna vaccine reduced asymptomatic cases by 62% after first injection. Moderna are doing further studies to determine asymptomatic reductions after second injection. The $64 question is does the Australian government want 100% reduction. If so, it is highly likely any vaccine will give that result. Are we chasing the impossible dream - elimination.

“... does the Australian government want 100% reduction. If so, it is highly LIKELY any vaccine will give that result ...”

Can we assume that’s poor proof reading?

Greg E

Member since 26 Sep 2020

Total posts 26

Originally Posted by Phil O'Paistree

Originally Posted by j13

I received the Moderna vaccine in the US last year and applied to the Australian government for reduced/home quarantine or no quarantine. My application was rejected and their response was, there will be no changes to hotel quarantine unless the vaccine is proven to prevent asymptomatic cases. Initial data suggest Moderna vaccine reduced asymptomatic cases by 62% after first injection. Moderna are doing further studies to determine asymptomatic reductions after second injection. The $64 question is does the Australian government want 100% reduction. If so, it is highly likely any vaccine will give that result. Are we chasing the impossible dream - elimination.

“... does the Australian government want 100% reduction. If so, it is highly LIKELY any vaccine will give that result ...”

Can we assume that’s poor proof reading?

I can't believe you even asked the question. The Australian Government has been 100% clear that quarantine free international travel would not occur until there is something approaching herd immunity in Australia and in destination countries. There has been some speculation within government that it could reopen any time from late October 2021 to sometime in 2022. In a pandemic, it's not about the health and immunity of the individual, it's about the immunity of the broader population. At the moment, 99.9% of the Australian population are not immune.


Member since 13 Jan 2021

Total posts 5

Yes, it was supposed to say. 'If so it is highly unlikely any vaccine will give that result.'

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