Qantas brings Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Australia next week

By David Flynn, November 10 2011
Qantas brings Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Australia next week

UPDATE | Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner will make a second visit to Sydney starting Thursday May 24, 2012 – and this time we'll be going on a test flight! Click here for all the details.

PREVIOUS | Australians will get a first-hand look at the Boeing 787 Dreamliner next week when Qantas and Boeing bring the revolutionary jet down under for a whistle-stop promotional tour.

The Dreamliner will carry both Qantas and Jetstar livery, reflecting that both airlines will employ the 787 from early 2013 – first Jetsar, and later Qantas – on international and domestic routes. (See the timeline and breakdown of Qantas' plans for the Dreamliner in Qantas does the 787 shuffle.)

Qantas is expected to host the 787 at Sydney airport on Tuesday November 15 and Wednesday November 16, before heading to Melbourne airport for Thursday November 17.

Qantas spokeswoman Olivia Wirth told The Australian aviation reporter Steve Creedy that the airline is looking to do "open days and that sort of thing so people can come and see it".

There won't be much to see on the inside, however – according to Boeing exec Scott Francher "the interior is filled with test equipment and therefore far from showroom standard."

Australian Business Traveller will be attending a media-only tour of the 787 on the morning of Wednesday November 16 and we'll tweet anything that's newsworthy from the event on our @AusBT Twitter channel.

Also in AusBT's Boeing 787 Dreamliner coverage:


David Flynn is the Editor-in-Chief of Executive Traveller and a bit of a travel tragic with a weakness for good coffee, shopping and lychee martinis.

Do we know specific dates as yet? Hoping for early October :)

24 Oct 2010

Total posts 2568

Aaron, if we had specific dates we'd have included them in the article. We'll advise the dates as soon as QF advises us! :)

24 Oct 2010

Total posts 2568

I saw The Hun's mid-Nov dates but they don't list a source for them and Qantas PR has yet to advise same to us or anybody else (we're cross-checking the dates with them, but last we heard on Friday they had no further details) -- so we're not treating those as gospel (and having people schedule days off work etc around them) until the dates are officially advised by Qantas.

24 Oct 2010

Total posts 2568

Aaron, updated story based on Centre for Aviation reporting Boeing's local boss as confirming Nov15-16 for the Dreamliner's visit – although QF has yet to confirm, and those dates don't quite gel with the Hun's 15-16 for Sydney and then 17-> for Melbourne... either way, it does now look like anybody planning to have a day off to see the 787 should plan for at least the 15th if they're in Sydney.


15 Apr 2011

Total posts 580

This is exciting! Can't wait to see this plane - and hopefully the interior as well (I guess that depends on which aircraft they sent and how completed it is inside - might be full of test equipment instead)

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