Lounge Suggestions

16 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Apr 2012

Total posts 186

As seasoned travellers, is there anything that you would personally like to see airlines add to their lounges that would add that extra touch?  I often wish lounges had more reclined seating as i like to lay back and relax before my flight... not all lounges seem to accommodate this.  I also wish sometimes Business Class or First Class lounges would add an "Omlette" station to their breakfast... a lot of Hotels do this in asia where they have a chef cooking fresh eggs for you, cooked to your liking.  Usually fast and fresh... would be an amazing upgrade, rather than the old same scrambled eggs that have been sitting in the heated bowl for ages in lots of lounges.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Mar 2014

Total posts 214

An egg station would be cool. 1st Class Lounges obviously have plenty of dishes to order, so I assume you are thinking domestic lounges...

Like CX with the Noodles bars, its great to get something cooked fresh.  
I was happy when QF brought in the toasties.
I know a few people who love the pancake machine.
Maybe a juicing machine???? 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 161

Aye, depends on if we are talking International or Domestic lounges (and if we are going to be practical or not). The juice station at Sydney's QF international business lounge is pretty good... The American guy stood next to me was taking photos to show his daughter, so I'm guessing this might be a novelty ?

Omelette's aren't my thing (and I tend not to take morning flights) so I'd prefer to see a 'Daily-Dish' cooked to order alongside the buffet fare offering rolled out to more lounges.

I think that at a minimum all lounges should at least offer barista made coffee!

Last editedby Theresnormissin at Feb 10, 2017, 10:42 AM.


Member since 23 Feb 2015

Total posts 269

A consistent delivery of whatever is publicised would be good enough for me!

The dish of the day feature in domestic business is excellent, but it so rarely seems to be on offer that it loses its impact.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jan 2014

Total posts 296

I would like the option to order food at domestic lounges even at a cost, burgers etc come to mind, I always seem to be buying food somewhere in the terminal anyway, there is only so much processed ham and cheese one can eat. 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Apr 2012

Total posts 186

I believe the Melb and Syd Domestic Business class lounges both have juicing machines.  Fresh juice in the morning is Great.  Not sure if Brissy, Perth, or ADL has them, can't recall.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 459

My two suggestions would be:

One - change the food selection more frequently...I can't speak for Virgin but it sometimes feels like in Qantas domestic lounges that the food options get changed only after every other passing of Halley's Comet

Two -  Have clearly defined zones so patrons can better understand what type/level of behaviour is expected of them...
  1. Group chat zone - I'm here with my work mates and we want to lounge around (generally around the only counters/desks that have power points), drink, visit zone 4, and talk s**t shop;
  2. OTT phone zone - I've been drinking coffee all day and now need to return 57 phone calls using my loud important voice. The super version of this is the OTT person who feels its OK to make calls using the speaker phone function! 
  3. Multi-Media zone - I want to run some stupid video that a workmate has sent me on full volume on my laptop or phone
  4. The Trough - need I explain? Best located in the triangle of death between zones 1, 2, and 3 - and remember, if you're in this zone its OK to chew food with your mouth open! 
  5. The Work Zone - I want to sit here and work quietly...if I have to use my phone I'll venture over to the ToD, otherwise, I'm here to work quietly - is that too much to ask...

And of course, we can't not mention the super Hi-Vis vest zone - which sadly is a lounge wide combination of zones 1 through 4...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 29 Nov 2013

Total posts 459

I believe the Melb and Syd Domestic Business class lounges both have juicing machines.  Fresh juice in the morning is Great.  Not sure if Brissy, Perth, or ADL has them, can't recall.

Brisbane Domestic Business has one...


Member since 14 Nov 2015

Total posts 54

So does CBR Business


Turkish Airlines - Miles & Smiles

Member since 08 Jun 2014

Total posts 91

VA needs a kick in the butt domestically. OK, Pancakes great for breakfast with all your simpleton's toast and break and coffee... But i'd rather a proper breakfast and then either a filling lunch/dinner. Proper buffet rather than a cardboard looking Soup, or Green Curry Chicken mince (hah) soup... 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 19 Mar 2015

Total posts 18

Would like to see more quiet zones, i.e. no cell phones, like the NZ lounge has in SYD


Member since 19 Dec 2016

Total posts 4

Would love to see a gym at international lounges. How good would it be when you have a 3 hour layover to go have a workout before your next flight?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Feb 2017

Total posts 77

Gym is such a great idea!! (but obviously only in lounges who offer showers!)  also like the Juice bar suggestion too!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 10 Apr 2012

Total posts 186

In international joint Business/First class lounges, would be amazing if they provided a seperate dining area with a la carte menu for Platinum passengers.  Being able to order food at a domestic lounge would be another great idea too!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 01 Sep 2015

Total posts 8

How about installing individual arm based IFE units on lots of chairs in international business and first lounges that use the same interface and content that shown on the lounge providers flights. That way you could begin a movie or series while you wait in the lounge and then continue it in the air....

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