Is Qantas first class going downhill?

27 replies



Member since 13 Feb 2016

Total posts 40

Interested in view from the group. What is happening to Qantas F class quality. Little changes like downgrading of the amenities etc on board and the shabby state of the seats is concerning. Booked to fly to Europe (twice) in the next few months in F on the basis of historic quality, but these changes are concerning. Has anyone flown recently and have standards dropped???

Thinking of cancelling and going via another carrier, but have always been a loyal QFF. 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2016

Total posts 117

Last flew F in October and couldn't fault it. The sheepskin on the bed makes it one of the most comfortable in the skies and the food and service were top notch. The only downside is bathroom size which is really subpar comparatively but otherwise QF F is still well and truly up there IMO. Much roomier than EK F with friendlier service in my experience. 


Member since 24 Nov 2014

Total posts 3

First world problems, but I agree. The seats/bed are amazing, so really can't complain about how lucky we are to fly F. But especially if you've paid full fare out of your own pocket (I either get flown for work or upgrade with points), you would be disappointed if the experience was less than stellar. The seats have been the same since inception, no sprucing up or upgrades. They occasionally malfunction. Food (esp return leg back to Australia) is average at best. Overly salty sauces. Degustation courses brought out without a break. My personal issue, however (which is not really the point of your thread, sorry! I may post separately if no one here can comment) is the service. In J, the staff are jovial, chatty and offer the same efficient service and personal attention for both male and female passengers. However, my personal impression is that the F staff are trained to offer service in a more formal and austere manner. And I'm frankly sorry to say this, but they do this very well for your typical F passenger (male, caucasian, older demographic) but are absolutely lost for words when a small female passenger embarks. My numerous attempts to engage them in light conversation always ends in a dead end. Then I hear them move to "Mr Important Looking Smith" behind me, and there is fawning and obsequiousness that almost makes me nauseous. "Can I take your coat, Mr Smith?" (whilst my own clothing hangs unnoticed on the seat hook). "And what brings you LA, Mr Smith?" (I'm often going to deliver an important lecture at an international medical conference, so that's not an unreasonable conversation topic that they don't even ask me about). I am not the only female to experience this in F: I have heard many other similar and unsolicited stories from other women. My guess is that F staff undergo training that is directed at the wealthy male traveller. I don't think they mean to offend small, young looking (but my appearance belies my age) females, but I sense they feel undertrained and uncomfortable in dealing with us. I'm traveling F (full fare) tomorrow- I'll have an open mind, but will be interested to see if I get a repeat performance.


Member since 24 Nov 2014

Total posts 3

Ps- I should add that if there happens to be an inflight medical emergency, all of a sudden I am worth talking to!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2016

Total posts 117

How odd! I'm female and have never encountered that. 


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 835

Refurbs are coming. Real soon now.


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 186

The toilet size designs for F from the start were ridiculous considering this was an A380. Staff are always friendly but compared to  SQ/CX and the big ME3, QF staff (in F or otherwise) are never as immaculately presented-some females seem to have woken up washed their face and tied their hair back with a rubber band. Uniforms and shoes often showing age too. Hard up seeing any of that on the ME3, CX or SQ.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 30 May 2014

Total posts 16

Ps- I should add that if there happens to be an inflight medical emergency, all of a sudden I am worth talking to!
There's no chip on your shoulder...
Thanks for double checking that we've realised you're a doctor too. We're all proud of you. ;) 


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

In other words, Where it's still offered, Yes it's going downhill.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 15 Mar 2016

Total posts 117

I remember someone complaining on here about makeup or hair in QF attendants before, perhaps it was you. Possibly, given its 2017, someone's face shouldn't determine your enjoyment of a flight. It's not like they're running around with track pants on...


Member since 27 Nov 2014

Total posts 6

As was mentioned above refit is coming


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer - Chairmans Lounge

Member since 01 Sep 2011

Total posts 96

Last flew F in October and couldn't fault it. The sheepskin on the bed makes it one of the most comfortable in the skies and the food and service were top notch. The only downside is bathroom size which is really subpar comparatively but otherwise QF F is still well and truly up there IMO. Much roomier than EK F with friendlier service in my experience. 

I would agree with you. I much prefer it to the bling of EK.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 05 Oct 2015

Total posts 8

Last flew in May could not recommend, seat electronics playing up so entertainment was a non starter food was the dreadful Neil Perry overly spicy nonsense and choices had no appeal. Wine is Dan Murphy $40 per bottle rubbish that people who fly first wouldn't serve at a BBQ.

Seat cramped and uncomfortable (6ft and 85kg) lack of storgae space and does not compare well with Cathay,JAL, Emirates or Singapore, Etihad business is more comfortable and food and wine great  compared with Alan's premium priced discount airline. Will never pay the premium to fly qantas first again until they get their act together.


Member since 12 Sep 2014

Total posts 1

I have never had an issue travelling with Qantas in F and I am small and female too. The staff are always lovely and I find them to be very interested in where and what I am doing and I always feel welcomed and they also must take note of my preferences and mention previous conversations I have had with other attendants. I really cannot fault Qantas F at all - just wish I could get to fly it more often and sadly it will probably be less due to the new service via Perth to UK


Emirates Airlines - Skywards

Member since 30 Nov 2015

Total posts 419

If First class is this bad, what must steerage be like.

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