Sharing a J seat...?

9 replies


Member since 13 Sep 2013

Total posts 119

I was recently on a flight to London in VS.

I noticed that there was a family of 3 that kept rotating and “sharing” 1 busn class seat opposite me. They had obv purchased 2 Y seats and 1 J seats but were taking turns coming up front and napping etc.
This was clearly annoying other passengers, but the crew didn’t seem to mind. Surely this is not something allowed right?


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 01 Mar 2012

Total posts 203

I have seen that happen quite a bit. Half the family in Y and the other in J. Not something I would do but others do it.

I don’t mind if they swap seats for long periods of time but a constant changing procession would not be nice.


Member since 03 May 2017

Total posts 39

I thought they were not supposed to be able to enter the area!
Anyway, I would do it too, but obviously would take care not to disturb anyone else. But gee, how bad could it be, whats the difference if one person gets up for a slash and another person comes back.

As long as they are not all hanging around makiing a commotion, I think most people wouldnt even notice.


Member since 03 May 2012

Total posts 57

Was recently in F to London, and a married couple kept swapping between a F and Y seat. He explained to the crew that they were sharing the care of their baby in Y, and the crew did not bat an eyelid. I did not mind either. Do not think anyone else did.



Member since 04 Apr 2014

Total posts 136

Have seen this many times over the years. American use a seat in row 1 on their trans Pac flights as a rotating flight crew rest seat which is much the same.


Delta Air Lines - SkyMiles

Member since 16 Oct 2017

Total posts 286

Full marks to that couple.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 16 Jul 2018

Total posts 34

Was recently in F to London, and a married couple kept swapping between a F and Y seat. He explained to the crew that they were sharing the care of their baby in Y, and the crew did not bat an eyelid. I did not mind either. Do not think anyone else did.

We're thinking of doing this: having the baby in Y while the other parent sleeps in J.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 23 Mar 2012

Total posts 67

First world problem. I don't think it's an issue at all.


Air New Zealand - Airpoints

Member since 31 Oct 2016

Total posts 206

We're thinking of doing this: having the baby in Y while the other parent sleeps in J.

Look forward to the days when the kid is old enough to go UM in Y, and you can both fly J...


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Jan 2014

Total posts 294

Clever thinking really, as long as they don’t disturb others too much or have to make someone move in they are seated in a 2-2-2 configuration, as others have said it it something I keep in mind when travelling long distances with the children.

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