Qantas to run international flights from Melbourne T1 domestic terminal?

13 replies


Member since 03 Nov 2015

Total posts 11

News this morning that Qantas will sell its T1 domestic terminal to Melbourne Airport for $355 million, with "a 10 year exclusive access agreement" and wants to operate some international flights from the terminal.

"Options to operate some international flights from Terminal 1 outside of peak domestic times will be assessed," according to the Qantas statement.

Melbourne Airport's statement adds to this, saying "Other features of the agreement will enable flexible use of parts of the Terminal to swing to International operations, optimising the use of the available capacity that exists at some times of the day across the airport precinct."

If this goes ahead I would expect trans-Tasman flights to be high on that list but I wonder if the MEL-PER domestic leg of QF9 would also end up departing from T1?


Member since 24 Aug 2011

Total posts 81

Isn't this just the confirmation of the previously announced swing gates in both T1 and T3?


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Sep 2017

Total posts 8

MEL- PER Possibly but for international flights that depart from T1 passengers would still need to pass through T2 Security before moving through some new "Secure" infrastructure to T1 gates which will be secure from the normal domestic ops. I don't think it would run as a domestic flight otherwise the passengers would have to clear emmigration in Perth.


Member since 05 May 2016

Total posts 322

Domestic flights don’t run for several hours overnight so the Domestic terminal gates are not being put to good use at that time of day.


Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 25

I think the current plans for T2 international expansion are to expand the secure area to the main Qantas pier. Work should start later this year. This should allow one or two gates to be retrofitted with links to international.

I would very much doubt the 787 would use these new swing gates as it primarily is an international aircraft. The swing gates would possibly be used for the 738 and a330 that are used for both international and domestic runs. There would be quite a operational advantage to have say your a330 arriving from Perth not having to be taxied to another gate for its separate flight to Auckland for example.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Jul 2011

Total posts 835

That T1 pier is already pretty narrow. I struggle to see how you can build a secure corridor and waiting areas in the current configuration, unless you go up.

Which possibly opens up space for a new Qantas International Business lounge, versus the current dungeon space.


Member since 14 Oct 2016

Total posts 25

If they don't rebuild the pier, I'd imagine the swing gates would be a thin corridor between the domestic departures area and jetbridge.

I could only see this working for one or two gates on the western side. The departure lounges for these gates would be in the new international extension, which is around the Hungry jacks in T1.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

There will be a bit of rebuilding to do I expect.

Andrew Barkery

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2011

Total posts 433

They could always build it upwards.

Like for eg, a walkway from MEL int T2 post security and immi to MEL T1 dom&int swing gates.
Look at PER VA T1, and PER regional T2, you could walk on the inside between the 2, which I never did realise can be done.
Very long walk, up and down, and comes out near T2 regional deparutures, its on the domestic secured side.
At PER T1, where the VA terminal side is, near gate 50, there is a also what appears a link between VA T1 Au dom and the international terminal.
If the money is there, it can be done.
Look at AKL airport, what they have done to the international security screening area.
ADL airport is also have major works done to it.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 04 May 2014

Total posts 4

There have been some very good comments on here regarding building up. While I could be wrong, I don't believe this will likely happen in MEL T1, but I wanted to share a good example of this, which is Stockholm Arlanda Terminal 5, F Gates.

The F gates have 2 full levels (even with their own retails areas), Domestic/EU Level 1 Departures and Non EU/Intl Level 2 Departures (immigration is in main terminal Departue level 1, before going up escalators to level 2). No swing gates or partitions needed and both Domestic/EU Level and Non EU/Intl use the same gates/aerobridges (Intl pax go down stairs/escalators to aerobridge). With passengers completely separated you can run simultaneous ops with complete gate flexibility.

If MEL did do this it would excellent!


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 02 Nov 2016

Total posts 1

So no First Lounge access for these flights?



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Canberra does it with two gates and an upstairs downstairs arrangement. For Melbourne it would be an upstairs interconnector with stairs/escalator down to the gate with sliding doors to give alternate access.

Andrew Barkery

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2011

Total posts 433

Sliding door could work like ADL at the moment.

At a certain point, on certain days, a person goes all around tapping onto the readers, and the glass doors all close to that central area, one by one.
Guess someone also checks and sees that the loos are clear, there are some loos that are open when there are no international flights due, so guess someone checks and see no one is in them, and then when all given the ok, that central area is closed off.
They could retro fit the far end of (close off), right at the far end, and do international flights from MEL T1 pier A, on the far right facing the 2 control towers.
If they could then build a bridge above head level, you could link T2 F lounge to T1.
Guess that Qantas must be now only interested in true core activities of what makes the most $, that is flying.
They sold Sydney T3 back to Sydney Airport.
With the funds from the sale of MEL T1, they would probably do another share by back, (non renounceable), ie, NOT optional.



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

Andrew the sliding doors in Canberra don’t block out the whole area like Adelaide, just the relavent gate with escalators going up to security immigration etc and down for baggage and immigration etc. for Melbourne it would be much simpler as existing immigration and baggage would be used and a two level interconnection one at existing gate level and one above OR they could hold the boarding group back at international until arriving passengers are all clear and have a single level interconnection for both boarding and arrivals. The issue is that it is a bit of a schlep for boarding passengers.

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