Qantas 'sleep service' business class takes off today

By David Flynn, November 8 2012
Qantas 'sleep service' business class takes off today

Qantas begins a rolling upgrade to its overnight international business class flights today with the debut of the new 'sleep service' on the daily Sydney-Los Angeles flight (QF107/108).

The programme, which includes duvets and a special doze-inducing tea in an effort to help travellers sleep better, will then be extended to other overnight runs including Melbourne-Los Angeles flights as well as the long haul to London.

Flight attendants will place a mattress over the existing Skybed business class seats to provide a more cushioned surface which also removes any noticeable bumps from the fold-down seat in sleeper mode.

Travellers can also request a quilted duvet instead of a blanket.

To help nudge you into the land of nod, the crew will serve a 'wellbeing tea blend' designed to encourage sleep, from specialist teahouse T2.

Qantas says that on shorter night flights, an express breakfast service will "give customers even more sleep time."

Read: Six secrets of in-flight snooze in our regular business travel column for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age

Supper before you snooze

The Select on Q – Eat ‘advance meal selection service’ which lets travellers choose their inflight meals before they even step on the plane, will also be extended beyond the supper selection on the current four trial flights from Los Angeles to Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne (these are flights QF12, QF16, QF94 and QF108).

"We are looking to extend the trial to other international routes operated by Airbus 380, A330 and Boeing 747  aircraft" a Qantas spokesperson told Australian Business Traveller.

New amenity kits

Also being rolled into the upgrade: new mens and women's amenity kits. The pouch bags have been designed by Kate Spade New York and the brand's homme counterpart Jack Spade, with Malin+Goetz skin care products plus the usual eyemask, ear plugs, socks and "an environmentally friendly biodegradable toothbrush."


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David Flynn is the Editor-in-Chief of Executive Traveller and a bit of a travel tragic with a weakness for good coffee, shopping and lychee martinis.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Frequent Flyer

28 May 2011

Total posts 81

Interesting that Virgin Australia already offer duvets and matresses along with a full turndown service in international long haul Business, and even domestic Business on the new A330s. 

The benefits of competition! 

The skybed is already a great product, can't wait to try it out with these new enhancements. 

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

27 Jun 2011

Total posts 37

Does this 'express breakfast serive' include the PER-MEL, PER-SYD and PER-BNE overnight flights?

24 Oct 2010

Total posts 2567

No, this is just for Qantas International, not domestic flights.

01 Feb 2012

Total posts 371

Was hoping they'd change the PJs!

Not sure about mattresses; I'm one of those people who tries sporadically to sleep.. If I can't sleep I get back up to watch TV. With the mattress I won't be able to just get up and down whenever I feel like.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

20 Nov 2011

Total posts 186

I may be reading this incorrectly, but my impression is that this will be a turn down service available as requested.  So if you prefer to 'sporadically sleep' you could do so with the standard blante/pillow.  I agree with your point though, one of the highlights of a reclining flat bed is the ability to alter your position at will.

I can see this being a big win for the long leg to LHR or LAX! 

01 Feb 2012

Total posts 371

Yes, you don't need it (unlike Virgin Atlantic's business seat), but I just meant it won't be any benefit to me unless I commit to sleeping :)

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

31 Jan 2012

Total posts 107

Always good to get the bed made and the extra duvet under you makes the seat even cosier when watching a movie. Flowen VA many times to LAX and dozed off watching a movie.

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

26 Jun 2012

Total posts 58

I agree with you on the PJs - I'd like a vee neck that doesn't try to strangle you in the middle of the night.


I've been in First on the A380 (gotta love upgrades) and the mattress is very flexible and if you want to go back to a seating position it's fine.  Or, you can opt out of the mattress altogether.  I would think that these new mattresses are the same?  The extra padding certainly makes a huge difference to me, a side sleeper.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

20 Nov 2011

Total posts 186

Do QF expect this product will work on the original Skybed?  An odd comparison but I enjoy camping, and at times I put my luxurious thermarest on my camp stretcher, but if there is even a little bit of a slope you tend to slide off it.  I guess my thought is what will a matress do to the original skybed.  Or is this another indicator that the A330 fleet is due for Skybed Mark II......

01 Feb 2012

Total posts 371

I think the biggest area for improvement is speeding up their meal service, particularly for their A380. When I have a night flight, I like to finish the meal ASAP so I can digest and get to sleep, but I once waited 35 minutes between entree and main. Its not fine dining, I'd say 10-15 min should be the max.

When I rushed them at 20 minutes, they said, sorry we have 60 business passengers today. (I was thinking, this is the first time you've ever had 60 passengers?)

Virgin Australia - Velocity Frequent Flyer

28 May 2011

Total posts 81

35 minutes is pretty standard at resturants, but they ussually distract you with waves of drinks. 

01 Feb 2012

Total posts 371

Not to mention you're usually dining with friends, not dining alone. On Cathay they just serve it within 5 -10 min after you're done with the entree.

10 Jun 2011

Total posts 56

i agree Noob, its exactly what competition is all about and so it should continue, and great to hear QF is making these small enhancements, all in line with what many airlines have been doing for a long time in business class

Meal service is always a contensious subject in premium classes.   For road warriors getting onboard and getting as much rest time is really important, but for a lot of premium passengers especially those actually paying for their business class seats - its about enjoying the full service offering and not being rushed.

So offering a choice of both and the ability to eat in the lounge pre flight is really important, it should meet most customer needs


21 May 2012

Total posts 4

Yawn - their business class isn't worth the $1500 more than Virgin they charge. And tea contains caffeine - it has the opposite effect of putting you to sleep.

24 Oct 2010

Total posts 2567

Not all tea contains caffeine, MisterZed, and this sleep-friendly formula (like many similar blends) certainly doesn't.

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