Virgin Atlantic's new 'onesie' one-piece business class pyjamas

By David Flynn, June 11 2014
Virgin Atlantic's new 'onesie' one-piece business class pyjamas

Virgin Atlantic loves to do things differently – so when it came to the latest set of inflight pyjamas for the airline's Upper Class business class passengers, that means a one-piece sleep suit, aka 'onesie'.

Created in partnership with Norwegian onesie designers OnePiece, the Virgin Atlantic onesie is a limited edition to be offered to only one thousand passengers on selected flights from mid-June.

Virgin Atlantic talks up the one-piece PJ as being "set to become a must have for bedtime glamour."

"The bespoke onesie blends Virgin Atlantic’s rock n’ roll spirit with design expertise from OnePiece to offer unrivalled comfort for sky-high slumber," the airline boasts.

These snaps show UK fashion model Amber Le Bon sporting the onesie, although Richard Branson couldn't resist getting in on the act.

Here's a behind-the-scenes snap of Le Bon getting into the flying mood with her onesie. 

Virgin Atlantic's social media onesie campaign includes this video.

Which is all well and good, but we're not quite sold. Yes, it's cool gear to take home and wear in bed – but surely they'll be a devil to get into (and out of) in the tight confines of an airplane's loo, even an Upper Class one. Not to mention the extra hassle when you actually want to visit the lav.

As always, we're keen to hear your take on the onesie, and airline pyjamas in general – are they really that big a deal, and if so, which airline's got the best ones?

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David Flynn is the Editor-in-Chief of Executive Traveller and a bit of a travel tragic with a weakness for good coffee, shopping and lychee martinis.

therealqueen Banned
therealqueen Banned

19 May 2014

Total posts 40

Whos actually washing these? My friend had a reaction at 30000 feet to the qantas pj in first. Anaphylaxis and all.

its most impolite when one is trying to sleep!

Most are made in china and being packed in factory for immediate use!

I have only flown with Virgin Atlantic twice (in Upper Class) and see this as just another of the "say it often enoughn and plenty will believe you". Upper Class SYD>>>HKG>>>SYD was quite ordinary and would never measure up against NZ, QF or EK. If they are going to be handing out 1000 pairs, why bother?  Perhaps the public would be best served if the media simply ignored Richard Branson and judged the airline on its actions rather than his media antics. Best example I can think of are the totally ridiculous champagne glasses that they use. Even the slightest turbulence and the stuff goes everywhere.  A triumph of spin over common sense.

Thai Airways International - Royal Orchid Plus

15 Jan 2013

Total posts 460

It's cute and different.I know initially people saw onesies as little more than an adult baby grow but it's now all the rage on all from babies to everyone including kids and adults.

undertheradar Banned
undertheradar Banned

28 Oct 2011

Total posts 645 long will SRBs 'midlife crisis' continue on for?? (at least 25yrs.....and counting) lol

and yes...not to mention the 'logistical nightmares'/'loss of dignity', when using the loo for its intended purposes. (more so for females...think about it)

"and yes...not to mention the 'logistical nightmares'/'loss of dignity', when using the loo for its intended purposes."

They're only claiming to provide "must have for bedtime glamour"...

There's not a great deal of bathroom glamour to be had on any aircraft.

undertheradar Banned
undertheradar Banned

28 Oct 2011

Total posts 645

oh...and shame on you, AusBT for using the lowly term 'business class' in your heading... it's the higher UPPER CLASS cabin....SRB would be turning in his grave...ooops, turning in his 'onesie'  lol

(my tongue firmly planted in cheek)


12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1533

I like those pajamas - they more comfortable to sleep in them than in ordinary closes. Not mention of jammed shirt. Problem what I have with them - where I can change?!? In toilet? Are you serious? It like doing Kama Sutra in the barrel! Airlines must make bigger lavatories in biz, as least for people to be able to change.


Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

07 Mar 2013

Total posts 61

'It like doing Kama Sutra in the barrel!' I had a good laugh at that one. 

I personally think the onesie would cause some havoc for some passengers, I have enough trouble as it is. But this just seems like a PR stunt, a typical Branson thing to do. A onesie is a in thing, especially with younger people why not try to tap into that? 

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

26 May 2014

Total posts 467

While waiting to change into QF PJs I have thought that there could be a "Change Room" that is not also a lavatory.  Having a single purpose would increase turnover and avoid some other issues.  Generally it is only needed at the start and end of the flight, so could find other uses in between.  On the subject of a onesie - fit is a problem for me with QF PJs, being 2m tall.  I would be surprised if this works any better with a onesie.  All the same I like using QF PJs.  Hope they aren't given the same treatment as the limo service !

undertheradar Banned
undertheradar Banned

28 Oct 2011

Total posts 645

try door U/D R1 on QFs a380 ..and doors L2/R2 on QFs 747s (they have curtains...used for crew rest inflight)...just ask the crew...they usually oblige, in my experience :-)

look up the seatmaps on QANTAS.COM, and zoom will notice a 'zigzag' line in these areas...these indicate curtains :-)

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

26 May 2014

Total posts 467

Thanks for that tip - does it work for the area that looks like crew rest near the top of the stairs on the refurbed 747s ?

25 Feb 2012

Total posts 77

Ahhh No! Get your size wrong and  half way on its omg! 

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

29 Jun 2013

Total posts 366

I flew a lot with V/Atantic when it operated out of Sydney and collected a fair few pairs  of pj's  I took mine home and love them ,as far as I know thay were always new ,not recycled .the new ones look even better.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Virgin Atlantic's new 'onesie' one-piece business class pyjamas