1 reply



Member since 29 Sep 2014

Total posts 4

Have been a subscriber to your newsletters for a long time, but have not received them in the last few months, what could be the problem?

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Hi Annie, I've looked into this for you (assuming that the email address registered to your AusBT user account here is the same email address you use for your newsletter subscription, which I won't post publicly).

On our end, it appears that your email provider sent back a 'hard bounce' to the newsletter we sent your way on December 4 2017. A 'hard bounce' is an error that means either the email address no longer exists, or that delivery to that address has been blocked completely.

Because of this, you were unsubscribed from the newsletter mailing list as part of an automated process, as your email provider communicated to ours that emails should no longer be sent to that adderss.

Unfortunately, in order to prevent spam, our newsletter email provider doesn't allow us to remove this 'block' on sending emails to your address, and doesn't allow us to resubscribe you using the same email address.

The only way to continue receiving our newsletter would be to resubscribe using a different email address, unfortunately.

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Not receiving newsletters

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