Qantas further status extension

16 replies


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 07 Jul 2013

Total posts 77

What does everyone think of the likelihood of a third qantas status extension to cover another year, at least for all those FF's with expiry dates in Q2/21. While Qantas has extended out up to ~1/2 the amount of normal Status credits required to maintain membership, for many Australians it's still not only difficult to travel but also now again discouraged with people confined to their own states with the PM yesterday saying potentially until after Christmas. Not to mention international travel!


Member since 05 May 2016

Total posts 322

It seems likely that QANTAS will make further announcements. However what they will be remains to be seen.


Member since 04 May 2015

Total posts 58

It'll be a tough call for them, because extending people's status indefinitely when they're still not flying much (and still not bringing in much new revenue for the airline) is only going to increase costs (e.g. lounge use) further, without the usual amount of underlying revenue to support those costs.

Normally when someone earns Qantas status, they get that status for the rest of their current membership year, plus the entire next year (giving people up to 2yrs of status under normal circumstances, depending on when it was earned). Since then, Qantas has already extended everybody's status by one whole year (meaning status earned once became valid for up to 3yrs), and after that, Qantas gave out 50% of the status credits to keep that status for yet another year (so, a helping hand towards year 4 of status), along with many status credits promotions on the ground at places like Woolies, BP, credit cards, hotels and so on, to help people get over the line.

Pushing that out by yet another year means that earning status just once will have ended up providing up to 5yrs of benefits (and that's not even counting the soft drop, if you're Platinum One and then move down to Platinum, and then from Platinum to Gold - which would potentially give things like lounge access for 6-7yrs after earning status once).

What airlines need right now seems to be new revenue: people buying tickets, or earning lots of points from partners that also have to be bought in the background. Qantas's last offer of giving people 50% of the status credits they need seems to reflect that need, because it encourages people to go and earn the rest themselves. You may not be able to fly overseas, but many Aussies can fly across some state borders, as well as within their state, so it's not an impossible goal. (Even here in Victoria, we won't be locked down forever... fingers crossed, at least!)

At the end of the day, if you're not really flying, do you really need status? It's nice to have, but you could also just buy a lounge membership and be done with it (or even get that lounge membership for free if you earn enough points on the ground through that new Qantas Points Club).


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 25 Mar 2014

Total posts 214

It will be extended if they haven't gone into administration by then.

How long can QF hold on for......


Member since 12 Aug 2020

Total posts 10

The March 2020 extension has only assisted those who couldn't maintain their current tiers at 2019/2020 membership year. Those who have maintained 2019/2020 flyer tiers did not get an extra year after that. So if 2020/2021 status is not extended, from April 2021, those member year finish at March will lose their tiers. Therefore the extension is definitely not 5 years.

The SC boost is very helpful, but the 4 eligible flights requirement stays. For example, a gold member who starts member year from March 2020 will get 390 SC boost. Assuming 10 SC from BP and 75 SC from credit card. They still need to fly 4 eligible flights to earn 125 SC before March 2021 to maintain it through domestic flights. But it is very difficult for Melbournians as we are in stage 4 lockdown. And all borders are restricted or closed. I guess it will be more difficult for Plantinum or above.

Last editedby lxmbl15 at Aug 12, 2020, 11:03 PM.


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 28 Feb 2019

Total posts 9

They will keep some incentives and give always in place until people can fly “normally”. It doesn’t come at any extra cost and to be honest is a cheap way of keeping loyalty for when passengers choose to fly again. QF will want to be the first choice of airline to those people and by maintaining status to those that have flown a lot in the past most of them will fly a lot in the future.

Seems likely and sensible.

QF will not go under. It may be different but people will want to get from a to b eventually


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 21 Mar 2018

Total posts 20

Just so you know, many of us had ALREADY qualified for our next 12 months - so Qantas’ free extension did nothing to help.

Qantas didn’t have any interest in recognising those who were actually spending the fastest...

I contacted the P1 team to ask about getting a 12 month status extension and was simply told ‘sorry bad luck, we can’t help you’.

As a P1 for many many years, often earning over 8,000 SC a year it has been mostly very good with Qantas but it’s time for a change.

I’ll absolutely be spreading my travel across airlines from now on.

Will Qantas notice or care?

Not in the slightest!


Member since 03 May 2013

Total posts 190

Qantas may not want to but they will have to extend again and they will. You simply can't be loyal when they are not flying and we are legally being held hostage not allowed to fly by the Peoples Republic of Australia.

John Phelan

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 28 Oct 2011

Total posts 262

Qantas will extend status again, but of course it has to be done in stages, because no-one knows how long the current hiatus will run for.


Member since 17 Jan 2018

Total posts 20

Deanr. Wrong. Q has not extended everbody by 1 year. I have not received any extension to my already earnt May 21 platinum.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 27 Jun 2013

Total posts 14

I have been receiving constant surveys from QF as part of a panel, with the most recent yesterday focusing strongly on SC & to a smaller extent, points earning. Interestingly, there was some mention of a major amount of FF planes to AUS destinations once restrictions were lifted, which makes sense to try & reduce the amount of pints being held by QFF's. Based on this most recent survey, it would seem they are looking very closely at whether status extension is again required


Member since 12 Dec 2012

Total posts 295

I didn't get extended. I had already earnt my Aug 20-July 21 year by Nov 19.

I'm currently sitting on 650SC after the bonus SC of half retain for current tier + 1 month of boost.

The holiday I would have been having in Oct/Nov clearly isn't going to happen. I'm unlikely to be able to travel again until late next year, which means, unless Qantas extends status again, I'm going to fall back to Gold before my next likely travel.


Member since 19 Jan 2018

Total posts 5

They will have no choice to grant extensions for at least one year after they recommence international operations. ScottyFromMarketing wouldn’t accept anything less.


Member since 30 Sep 2011

Total posts 25

Of course if you have SC then of course QF has no choice but to extend....? SC were introduced to get you to fly and would be a great tool to get you to fly again say double credits for flights next 3 months etc. QF knows that there are going to be a lot less QFF after this is all over so they have to reduce the number of say P1, P n Gold or they will be to top heavy for the number of seats available. With the current QF outlook, fleet retirement etc.. you are talking 100’s of thousands of seats gone from the timetable for years to come. Trying to increase revenue short term buy selling points to partners and promoting the earn rate, large pool of points with no way to redeem, could adjust the amounts of points required for award? Hurts less members to make your status the traditional way and earns them more money. My 2 cents worth. In reality no one knows what 3, 6, or 12 months will bring and till a vaccine comes along (that will have it’s own set of issues) it’s pure speculation and click bait to maintain traffic on travel blogs.

Nick Sydney 2

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 22 Jul 2015

Total posts 83

My travel involves something like 8 trips between Sydney to DFW or LHR every year. So losing SC is a pain but not fatal. As long as there is lounge access at LHR (Gold is fine) and with AA in DFW then all is good. What is an issue is how long QF will mothball their international ops allied with the inbound quarantine. 2021 may simply be a case of being based in Europe and working from there with the occasional trip back to home. Status and lounge access are not particularly a high priority in the grand scheme of things.

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