Likelihood of Double Status Credits offers

7 replies


Member since 07 Jan 2016

Total posts 64

What's the community's thoughts on whether we will see Qantas do a Double Status Credits offer this year - as they have done in previous years at around this time.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 24 Aug 2018

Total posts 25

I was wondering exactly the same thing. I suspect it will depend on whether there's a big bang moment when it becomes clear when hotel quarantine will end.


Member since 09 May 2020

Total posts 197

Perhaps those reader who are QFF and have birthdays between jan to Mar can tell if if they received double or triple credit offers for bookings in the month of their birthday?

This will give us an idea if the QF marketing dept is back to business as usual


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 14 Dec 2016

Total posts 47

If off the back of today's vision Qantas has for international travel, they'll for sure have some sort of promotion. Especially if other international airlines are allowed open access to Australian travelers we could see some crazy fares being offered to encourage international travel which Qantas will need to compete with.

Can't wait to hit that complete booking button on overseas flights!



Member since 19 Apr 2012

Total posts 732

I suspect not at this stage given they have assured status retention for a couple of years with minimum effort (a single flight to retain for next year) and I seemed to have gotten 600SCs to keep me around. That is quite an investment in their frequent flyers and they may think more than enough at least until schedules get back to pre covid levels.


Member since 05 Sep 2017

Total posts 31

Given the status retention offer the only real benefit of a DSC at present would be accumulation towards Lifetime silver or gold.


Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 06 Sep 2017

Total posts 8

I would suspect a promotional DSC campaign may be likely in the later half of the year to get people booking more flights.

It would coincide with Qantas restarting international flights and also most of the vaccine rollout having been completed.

While Qantas would normally hold a DSC promotion in February, there is just too much uncertainty with internal border closures, and snap lockdowns at the moment.


Member since 09 May 2020

Total posts 197

Someone got their wish!

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Likelihood of Double Status Credits offers

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