Betty’s Burgers join the menu at Virgin Australia lounges

Ever get that crazy hamburger craving before your flight? If so, Virgin’s got you covered.

By David Flynn, April 12 2022
Betty’s Burgers join the menu at Virgin Australia lounges

Truffle cheeseburgers and crispy popcorn chicken have landed on the menu at Virgin Australia’s lounges, courtesy of a partnership with Betty’s Burgers.

The Australia-born take on ‘fast casual’ burgers, which launched to immediate success in Noosa in December 2014, should sate the pre-fight hunger pangs of Virgin passengers travelling from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

(It seems Betty’s Burgers won’t be offered at Virgin’s airport lounges in Canberra, Adelaide or Perth, and Executive Traveller has asked the airline why this is.)

Virgin Australia will now serve Betty's Burgers at its Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane lounges.
Virgin Australia will now serve Betty's Burgers at its Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane lounges.

Virgin Australia describes the collaboration as “reimagining airline food”, and says a selection of Betty’s Burgers items will be available as dinner options every Thursday and Friday.

We expect they’ll prove a neat fit with Virgin’s mid-market demographic and also at the lounges themselves, which are progressively being made over with a relaxing casual vibe.

First up on the Virgin lounge menu: truffle cheeseburgers and crispy popcorn chicken.
First up on the Virgin lounge menu: truffle cheeseburgers and crispy popcorn chicken.

It’s also a neat fit for Bain Capital, which owns Virgin Australia and also holds a 70% share in Betty’s Burgers parent company Retail Zoo.

“We see the Betty’s brand as experimental and similar to Virgin Australia, it’s a brand that likes to do things differently and keep things fresh,” explains Betty's Burgers Managing Director Troy McDonagh.

“We love the idea of shaking up traditional lounge food with something fun and memorable.”

Virgin Australia cabin crew mix it with locals at Noosa, the birthplace of Betty's Burgers.
Virgin Australia cabin crew mix it with locals at Noosa, the birthplace of Betty's Burgers.

And onboard Virgin Australia flights, drinks and snacks from Boost Juice – also part of the portfolio at Bain Capital-backed Retail Zoo – will join the ‘buy on board’ economy menu. 

“Betty’s Burgers and Boost Juice are such vibrant and energetic brands with an awesome range of products that Australians already love, and we are so proud to welcome them to the Virgin Australia family,” says Virgin Australia Group Chief Customer & Digital Officer Paul Jones.

31 Mar 2014

Total posts 385

I have found Betty's Burgers to be a poor copy of Shake Shack. On the two times I tried, I received a greasy, messy burger. 

Which airline lounge has Shake Shack?

05 Mar 2015

Total posts 404

I've tried Betty's Burgers, actually liked them, rate them behind Grill'd but ahead of most of the rest. Five Guys still rules!

Who’s complaining about burgers, especially when they’re free?

Even a bad burger is a good burger.

No matter how little you pay for it or even if it's free, a bad burger is still a bad burger. Thankfully I'd rate Betty's Burgers as good burgers.

05 Mar 2015

Total posts 404

At first thought I thought "Oh no, hamburgers in a lounge, that's the LAST thing I want!". But then you could say the same thing about pizza and Qantas has done this very well at its Perth lounge, and of course several airlines have hamburgers at the lounge, eg United in its US Polaris lounges and BA at Heathrow for example. So given I don't mind Betty's Burgers every now and again and every BB shop seems well patronised I'm sure they will be popular at the Virgin lounges, and as this article says, the food and the financials are both a good fit.


11 Jul 2014

Total posts 971

I'm not knocking the new image VA is creating but here I go again, the hardcore flyers get to the airport early, get the first flight out, get there work done, get the earliest flight home, get the seat closest upfront to the plane's door and exit the airport at the other end as quick as possible. 

Did I miss something here, will they be charging or will it be free and Woody can get a free Bare Betty Burger at no charge?

Etihad - Etihad Guest

21 Jul 2019

Total posts 174

Cabin crew and long time QF J class pax know that the humble steak sandwich is the most requested item on long hauls (or at least it used to be when I flew QF long hauls). So I'm really not surprised VA is attempting something similarly 'basic' in the form of a burger, albeit on the ground. There's something about simple fare that is appealing and cuts thru the flashy image of jetset travel.

On the other hand, I simply LOATHE to death the prolific (mis)use of 'trendy' buzzwords, especially "re-imagining" (or artisan, or hand-crafted, or small batch).

23 Oct 2014

Total posts 236

It’s fresh modern and fun, not stale old and crusty. I think this great - and I’ll certainly enjoy the burgers.

20 Oct 2015

Total posts 237

Yep, happy to see these on the menu, and Thursday & Friday dinner is interesting, not making it every night of the week but something a bit special for the end of the week. A shame it's not also Saturday and Sunday from lunch onwards, that would also fit the BB vibe.

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

24 Jan 2018

Total posts 718

Grill'd burgers are the best by a country mile.  If Bain doesn't own them - it should.  Tried BB in Noosa, they're just a nicer version of Hungry Jacks (but with better buns).  

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