Will Virgin Australia International be getting more aircraft?
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Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards
Member since 23 May 2012
Total posts 178
Will Virgin Australia International be getting more aircraft?
I know that VA only has 5 B777s and might be getting A330s. Are there any plans for more aircraft such as the B787 or A350?
Member since 09 May 2011
Total posts 177
They have options for more 777s. I've not heard anything definite as to whether they'd take these options up.
Member since 24 Oct 2010
Total posts 1,023
There's nothing on the cards for Virgin Australia International to get either the Boeing 787 or Airbus A350 - those would be big asks for the airline, and right now Virgin Australia CEO John Borghetti seems more intent on building his 'virtual network' via alliances rather than laying out serious capital for Virgin's own fleet. But never say never... several senior Virgin Australia staff toured the Boeing 787 when it was out here last month (they came in just after the public tours finished on the Monday arvo, before the 787 flew to Auckland), so while nothing should be read into that on its own you can be sure they are keeping a close eye on developments.