Qantas Premium Boarding - How you going?
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Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Qantas Premium Boarding - How you going?
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 18 Oct 2017
Total posts 6
Just though I'd share some of my thoughts, and maybe hope that someone from Qantas looks at these posts. How are you going with your premium boarding experience? My experience below...
My second experience was a touch better. I think the key for this to work is enforcement. The 17:55 service from BNE to PER on the 9th started with the premium line being 3 times bigger than the economy line, which I have seen many times before. The âpremium boarding' call was made with the premium boarding line getting priority, while the economy line waited. About 20 people made it through and then a qantas representative came to the signage where the two lines split and reminded the premium lane that it was for premium boarding only, well this stopped a lot of people in their tracks, and only a few of us, who were actually meant to be there, continued to board. I think it went to show that no one is paying attention to the announcement or signage, and because qantas has been ignoring this for so long that users are doing what they like. Enforcement at the signage will be the only way they get this off the ground, and because they've been ignoring this for so long they'll have to be persistent.
Looking forward to reading your experience.
Member since 05 Sep 2017
Total posts 32
Did SYD - OOL and BNE - SYD last week and the priority lane boarded first and those in line were checked for eligibility. Credit to QF staff on both occasions for proactively enforcing the stated policy.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 14 Oct 2016
Total posts 161
So far I've found that my flights Ex. Sydney have been working as advertised. Flights Ex. Adelaide have not appeared to enacted the new boarding process yet though this is a limited sample.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 21 Jan 2014
Total posts 296
Darwin was good, walked out of the lounge and big queue at the economy line, pax we're getting called across one at a time to the premium line, I walked straight on so working well there, 2 flights out of Brisbane was the same free for all as always, these were both night flights so maybe no staff left to man the gates.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 29 Jul 2017
Total posts 5
Agree, I think people have for so long just got away with queuing up where they liked and getting away with it- so far so good- makes a huge difference and is now on certain flights been screened by staff which is having the desired effect. I think for me I'm also thinking about getting to the gates on time rather than waiting to be called in the lounge.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 09 Nov 2018
Total posts 50
Had 8 flights the last 2 weeks, all flights had priority boarding except a 6am A330 flight Mel to Syd & a 5am flight Cairns to Brisbane.
That being said I was flying back from Sydney to Melbourne 6pm last Friday and as per the flight purser Ipad the flight had 4CL, 12 P1, 24 Plat, 34 Gold status flyer or over 44% of the flight priority!
Still very happy it has changed for the better and i can stow my carry on.
Member since 18 Nov 2015
Total posts 119
Some people seem to become deaf and blind when they're at airports and boarding their flight.
I flew recently from New York to London on American Airlines.
Gate agent announced very loudly and clearly multiple times they were boarding people who had Group 1 written on their boarding passes and repeated a few times for everyone to look at their boarding passes and only board when their group was called.
There was even a huge monitor near the boarding gate that said "Group 1 Boarding".
And yet there were still idiots boarding at the wrong time.
Idiots is what they are. There's no excuse. You can't put it down to stress or anxiety or not understanding. They are gate lice.
Member since 01 Feb 2013
Total posts 11
Originally Posted by Theresnormissin
So far I've found that my flights Ex. Sydney have been working as advertised. Flights Ex. Adelaide have not appeared to enacted the new boarding process yet though this is a limited sample.
Adelaide twice since the new system AWFUL both times. I have emailed QF with the comments that both ground staff made and also flight attendants which I overheard saying they will NOT be stopping ppl boarding regardless.
This is the issue when staff fail or refuse to comply with the procedures.
Best so far was out of Canberra this week where they actively stopped non premium from boarding. Interestingly in some European airports if you try and board when you shouldn't the boarding pass rejects!!!!
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 26 Jun 2015
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As Platinum One I appreciate that the premium lane worked very well out of Brisbane on Tuesday evening
Member since 12 Jul 2017
Total posts 4
Qantas staff at Perth on boarding regional flights have no regard for priority boarding even though it is announced. Queue for priority will be longer than economy line and staff not caring who goes through
Member since 01 Feb 2018
Total posts 24
Done SYD - MEL, MEL - CBR then CBR - SYD last week. The Premium line was always at least twice or three times as long as the economy line and many people were clearly not supposed to be on the line but gate agents let them through nevertheless. I waited until both lines cleared and was one of the last to board and I never seen anyone rejected from the Premium line.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 12 May 2018
Total posts 2
Just to update on my return flight from Melbourne today - they had 2 queues operating and the lady on the premium queue made a point of thanking me for my continued loyalty and saying that it kept her in job. It made me feel like my patronage was appreciated. Perhaps we need to send the Canberra staff to Melbourne for retraining. They were also loading from the front and the rear of the aircraft which seemed to speed things up.
Member since 15 Mar 2018
Total posts 26
2 x SYD - BNE flights last week and all were still the same old rat-race; Baggage space was a premium once I boarded.
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 12 May 2018
Total posts 2
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
Member since 15 Aug 2017
Total posts 47
A good airline will reject the non premium boarders from the premium lane either before the scan point with a roaming staff member or if that not possible at the scan point. The walk of shame for these people will soon give the message. I've seen other airlines do it. You could even set the boarding pass machine to not accept a non eligible boarding pass in that lane. Easy to set up not sure why Qantas cannot get this right.