The oneworld alliance app for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch: reviewed

Today, we're taking a look at the iPhone, smartphone and iPad apps on offer from the three main airline alliances.
The oneworld alliance is the smallest of the three major airline groupings, but since Qantas is a member it's probably the most relevant to Australians.
Airline members are American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LAN, Malev, Mexicana, Qantas, Royal Jordanaian and S7 Airlines.
The oneworld iPad/iPhone hybrid app is the best of the airline alliance apps and mobile sites, because its flight search functionality and user interface beat out SkyTeam's apps and the Star Alliance's mobile site.
Flight searches are straightforward and very easy to navigate around. The "frequent searches" option is particularly useful.
The app sends you to the airlines' website to book, although it does give you a choice of airline if one exists: on the SYD-JFK route for example, you can book on American Airlines or Qantas.
An in-app booking engine would be nice, though, or an option to tap a phone number to actually speak to a booking agent.
Overall, though, it's a decent app for flight searching.
Oneworld has an iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch app on the Apple Store, and a BlackBerry app too, as well as a scaled down mobile version of their website,, which works well on other devices.
Check out our full review of airline alliance apps and mobile sites for more information about the offerings from SkyTeam and Star Alliance.
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