• Pity my photo that I copied and pasted could not be included when the post was published ...

  • in the USA, this small and quiet dog started the flight on the owner's lap at the window, but as the centre seat was empty it was placed there without any negotiation with the passenger in the aisle seat ... It was a relief that the dog could read and was interested in the article on the iPa...

  • Great to see that Jetstar, and parent company Qantas, is using the Alice Springs storage facility and supporting AU enterprise. Recently I commented on an earlier article on Et about QF A380s being stored in California and was told in response by other members that the Alice Facility was ful...

  • My mistake ..... no excuse, careless reading when trying to help.  However, Victorville’s data is Average Humidity 65.8% and average rainfall is about 130mm. Lower rainfall but higher average humidity, maybe because Victorville is only about 150km from the ocean whereas Alice Springs i...

  • The average annual percentage of humidity at Sacramento ... close  to Vacaville ...  is: 66.0% e average relative humidity in Alice Springs is 24 per cent.  Average annual rainfall at Vacaville is 24.53 inches. Rainfall at Alice Springs averages 283 mm (about 11 inches) each year.

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