Where to get decent coffee in San Francisco: iPhone/iPad app

You might be surprised at how difficult it is to find good coffee in San Francisco, especially if your local colleagues and friends are happy with Starbucks!
If you're out of recommendations, try the San Francisco's Best Coffee iPhone app.
Need an immediate fix? The GPS function will show you exactly where the nearest cafe is.
For coffee aficionados, the app details the type of bean, grinder and machine, plus more immediately practical information like opening hours, maps, phone number and a website link. It also handily gives you a picture of what the place looks like from the outside.
Do-it-yourselfers will appreciate the map integration too: the app gives you the location of roasteries as well as coffee shops so you can pick up beans instead of (or in addition to) your cup of coffee.
The app is from the same software studio as similar apps for New York and London that we've already reviewed, and works in similar ways.
At a reasonable 99c in the Australian and US app stores, this app has found a place on our iPhones for SF trips. (AU link | US link)
Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer
24 Nov 2010
Total posts 60
do they drink coffee in the USA, I thought it was just some sort of brown water beverage
15 Aug 2011
Total posts 33
SF is my second home and when i need a coffee fix which is everyday;-) i go to peet's as they make coffee like melbourne coffee, strong creamy rich flavours and i can't help but adding the half and half to my coffee as well.
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