• Those restriction put in place by governments, in Australia at least, where removed quicker than they were enforced.People will do things as soon as they can, they have been itching too for months and I wont be surprised to see an economic boost once the large restrictions are lifted.

  • You make a good point about countries opening to a 'near' normal state within a few months - I believe that this is a foreseeable future. We can't live off Government funded job keeping schemes forever, money needs to circulate - Already in Australia, for less than a month fuel priced were averag...

  • As a young teen, in my final year of secondary schooling, in Australia, and someone who had hoped to enter into the Travel and Tourism industry (of course, pre coronavirus), I am now heavily relying upon this industry to restart to at least 50-60% operation by the middle of 2021, whether that may...

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