23 replies

KW72 Banned

KW72 Banned

Member since 17 Jun 2020

Total posts 66

Borders should reopen at 70% internationally. No exceptions.

If the zero Covid fascist Premiers want to stay as hermit kingdoms so be it. More than happy to trade off WA for opening to the rest of the world.

Sick and tired of the zero Covid dictators driving policy in this country.


Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 21 Jul 2019

Total posts 92

I distrust any politician who says zero covid is the aim. The reason is quite basic: the World Health Organization certifies that only one human disease (smallpox) has been eradicated to point zero. The other successfully eradicated one was an animal disease (rinderpest). So just two diseases out of many thousands have been nailed in the 250 thousand years modern humans have been in existence. That's a pretty diabolical record! I wouldn't hold my breath for zero covid in an economically and scientifically advanced nation like Australia, much less in poorer nations. We've got to learn to live with it once vaccination covers the majority; just like we do with the flu and other nasties that also can kill.

Last editedby sunnybrae at Aug 24, 2021, 05:05 PM.

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

How right you are sunnybrae!

We will never reach Zero cases , just like the normal flu it will always be there.

The only way out of lockdowns is to get to about 80% fully vaccinated then we can return to a reasonably normal existence with a lot of common-sense thrown in.

It will require a booster every year , just like the annual flu shot and still a lot of people will get sick just as they did with the flu.

We have to learn to live with it.

It's going to take a long time to recover from this but I reckon we are on the right track which will permit a return to near normalcy before too much longer.


Member since 26 Mar 2020

Total posts 55

Much of us on this forum have been saying it for quite some time now that Covid Zero is a fantasy with the arrival of Delta - it's only in the past two weeks that finally our prime minister and the federal government have been brave enough to start the national conversation.

If you want to be able to travel overseas then it appears NSW residents will be one of the first Australians to finally do so – while other Australians in WA, QLD perhaps will be barred from doing so for quite some time due to their premiers continued insistence on Covid Zero (I believe both McGowan and Anastacia) have signaled that lockdowns and border closure may still feature at 80% vaccination and beyond.

I think next year NSW residents will be able to fly to Los Angeles or London but won’t be able to enter WA or QLD without some form of restriction.

I really do think this could be a reality (much like if you asked me in 2019 if WA would have a hard border up restricting travel to other Australians).

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

How about this for utter hypocrisy by the Qld. Premier.

The story below is an excerpt from the ABC news web site and it appears that again there are different rules for sports people and VIP's. and they are coming from a hot spot in Sydney

"The play in question is the NRL jetting in about 100 league officials, players' wives, girlfriends and children into Brisbane from the COVID-19 hotspot of Sydney. "

The Qld. Govt has sanctioned this little visit.

How can our citizens be told to take things seriously and how important it is to maintain social distancing etc. and these rules are vital if we are to beat this Pandemic when things like this happen. The Premier even states that she is very concerned about " border hopping " that puts Queenslanders at risk!!! and yet this happens.

It really makes a mockery out of the whole Covid thing.

It just goes to show where our Qld Premiers priorities are and it's not for upholding the rules that the rest of us have to obey!!!!



Etihad - Etihad Guest

Member since 21 Jul 2019

Total posts 92

Originally Posted by Rod H

How about this for utter hypocrisy by the Qld. Premier.

The story below is an excerpt from the ABC news web site and it appears that again there are different rules for sports people and VIP's. and they are coming from a hot spot in Sydney

"The play in question is the NRL jetting in about 100 league officials, players' wives, girlfriends and children into Brisbane from the COVID-19 hotspot of Sydney. "

The Qld. Govt has sanctioned this little visit.

How can our citizens be told to take things seriously and how important it is to maintain social distancing etc. and these rules are vital if we are to beat this Pandemic when things like this happen. The Premier even states that she is very concerned about " border hopping " that puts Queenslanders at risk!!! and yet this happens.

It really makes a mockery out of the whole Covid thing.

It just goes to show where our Qld Premiers priorities are and it's not for upholding the rules that the rest of us have to obey!!!!


Are we even 'Australian' any more?? It's taken covid and power-intoxicated premiers to reveal how superficial and fragile our Federation really is. Not even federal tax and revenue powers can curb their international level pretensions. There are two in particular who speak like tinpot presidents of some banana republic, rather than as dignified and educated state premiers of Australia! I was born overseas to aussie parents and spent my first twelve years overseas. But I always had a sense I was an Australian first. That's the attitude I retained when I 'came home'. Therefore, I never absorbed ugly and toxic state parochialism in my upbringing. I live in Qld but I am NOT and never will be jingoistic about 'my' state (or any other state). To hear ordinary folks attack other ordinary folks from different states because of covid is heartbreaking to me. But when you've got Anna and Mark, what worse examples are there??

Last edited by sunnybrae at Sep 01, 10.35 PM.
Last editedby sunnybrae at Sep 01, 2021, 10:36 PM.

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275




Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer

Member since 22 May 2018

Total posts 66

Hi sunnybrae and Rod H

I too exist in Qld... and f the current situation continues for another 6 months I will be moving south...have told a few local idiots..

Rod H

Virgin Australia - Velocity Rewards

Member since 06 Mar 2015

Total posts 275

According to the ABC News website a Sydney Man is "feeling very sorry " for completely disregarding the rules and door knocked to drum up business his Tree Lopping outfit.

He and his family who were also door knocking have potentially infected a hell of a lot of people thus making their lives more miserable than they already are and making it more difficult to start opening the borders because of the potential spread.

What gets me he is so much like so many others who say they are " sorry "

They are only ever sorry when they are Caught!!!

If he had of gotten away with it he would have been " happy ".

I guess he is after a bit of sympathy and pity for being so "sorry ".

Well he won't get any from me !!!!!

Hi Guest, join in the discussion on Borders getting tighter

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