Can I bring a "guest" into the first class cabin?

26 replies



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,025

Don't know about CX but it does not hurt to ask. A few years ago I flew on QF SYD-JNB in J for work and my wife flew in F on my FF points. The FSD spoke to me just after lunch and apologised for not inviting me to join her for lunch but invited me to join her "after she finishes her after lunch nap" for afternoon snacks and drinks for a couple of hours. One of the FAs gave her a nice bottle of red when she was leaving the flight. Good crew and flight.

Thanks, very interesting. I certanly will ask - definitelly does not hurt.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

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As a full fee paying F flyer, I would be disappointed that 'guests' are allowed - if one F passenger is permitted a visitor, then all should be granted the same privilege which is untenable.  I would also be disappointed to learn that a F meal was unavailable due to a guest having dined on my option.

And once again - would you became disappointed if you have crying baby next to you in F that cry all 14 hours of flight? What id bigger disappointment - all 14 hours of unbearable noise or couple quietly having dinner together. Mind you I never pretend that "guest" should be serving in expense of pax.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

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Well I did this once without any issues. Flew SQ Suites from SYD to SIN and my friend was travelling in business upstairs on the A380. He came down and had a few beers with me and then the staff asked if he'd like to join me for dinner. I was surprised but I certainly didn't ask. Perhaps it was a bit more relaxed as there were only 3-4 of us in the Suites cabin that evening?

Thanks for info.

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

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We encourage open discussion here but must remind you of AusBT's long-standing comment policy, specifically:

  • Don't attack others for their opinion: if you disagree, then make your case. But stay objective and stick to the topic.

As such, please leave your personal remarks at the door as these are not welcome here, and keep discussions to the topic at hand (a rather interesting topic, at that!).

You've been warned about posting personal attacks/remarks before, and we'll not remind you of the policy again.


Cathay Pacific - The Marco Polo Club

Member since 07 Jul 2017

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No success in the past for me if we're split between cabins.  Personally I support such a stance - it's a premium 6 seat cabin and it would be unfair on other paying F passengers having visitors from other cabins coming up for meals/drinks.

They have no issue with an F passenger visiting J (or lower) but not the other way around.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

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Serg: We encourage open discussion here but must remind you of AusBT's long-standing comment policy, specifically:

  • Don't attack others for their opinion: if you disagree, then make your case. But stay objective and stick to the topic.

As such, please leave your personal remarks at the door as these are not welcome here, and keep discussions to the topic at hand (a rather interesting topic, at that!).

You've been warned about posting personal attacks/remarks before, and we'll not remind you of the policy again.

Hi Chris,
Fair enough, but capitalizing post means shouting aloud and I believe that this is personal attack on my curiosity, not even opinion! In return I said that such answer imply to me something that not even necessarily imply the same to everyone else. Of course YMMV. "Last time" was pretty much the same - I am careful not to do direct personal attacks though can and do quite frequently sarcastic or tongue in cheek posts. I am very happy (and I am sure that you agree) to keep conversation in civilized way, but man, it double-edged sword is not it?

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Hi Chris,
Fair enough, but capitalizing post means shouting aloud and I believe that this is personal attack on my curiosity, not even opinion! In return I said that such answer imply to me something that not even necessarily imply the same to everyone else. Of course YMMV. "Last time" was pretty much the same - I am careful not to do direct personal attacks though can and do quite frequently sarcastic or tongue in cheek posts. I am very happy (and I am sure that you agree) to keep conversation in civilized way, but man, it double-edged sword is not it?

Hi Serg, we're not going to enter into a debate here.

If you feel a comment is inappropriate, you can use the 'report' button to bring it to the admin team's attention - but posting personal remarks about another user (as we've removed) is unacceptable, and will find your commenting privileges suspended if it happens again.

For the record, a capital 'O' in the word 'NO' doesn't constitute a personal attack in our books, but when other users do post direct personal attacks or remarks (either here or anywhere else on the site), we remove them also when we see them - and users can help us find these faster by using the 'report' function.

Now back to the topic at hand: I'll add that I've not seen it happen on Cathay Pacific (including when sitting in the front row of business class directly behind first class on the Boeing 777s, where it's easy to see if anyone comes and goes), although I've heard of many Qantas Airbus A380 CSMs striking a fair compromise for 'premium cabin' passengers to chat with economy or lower-cabin flyers, where the solution is to spend some time together in the onboard lounge (near the A380 stairs) if it's not being used by anybody else. Not for a meal, of course, but for a drink or two (and perhaps for a couple of hours at most).

Whenever I've flown Qantas First on the A380, the crew always seem to remind at the beginning of the flight that the lounge upstairs is available for meetings, but whether that was an open invitation to have anybody join me there or only to meet with business class passengers (who have access), I've not asked.



Member since 12 Apr 2013

Total posts 1,025

BTW on side note I was amazed that this topic attracted almost 2.5k views and it means to me that topic is hot and people keen to know answer, i.e. I am not alone in my desire to have something more out of wonderful F experience by CX :-))))

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

BTW on side note I was amazed that this topic attracted almost 2.5k views and it means to me that topic is hot and people keen to know answer, i.e. I am not alone in my desire to have something more out of wonderful F experience by CX :-))))

We included a link to this discussion in yesterday's AusBT email newsletter, which accounts for many of those views (and it's a great topic to discuss!). :)

Chris C.

Member since 24 Apr 2012

Total posts 1,116

Serg: You have been reminded of our comment policy multiple times on this site, including in this very discussion thread, and those reminders need not continue.

As you have again ignored that policy, a decision has been made to suspend your commenting privileges until Monday August 28 2017, as a reminder that comments made on this site cannot continue to conflict with that long-standing policy. Your commenting privileges will be restored during business hours on that date.

We must also note that if you choose to disregard the 'report post' feature (which allows the admin team to resolve any issues quickly and easily, before moving on to something else) in favour of posting personal attacks, off-topic comments or publicly debating whether a capital letter constitutes a personal attack (taking up much more of our time to resolve, which is better spent on other things), your commenting privileges will be suspended more permanently.

We're sure you can understand why this behavour is unacceptable, and we look forward to your return next week - and your use of the 'report post' feature if you take issue with a comment.

Doubleplatinum Banned

Qantas - Qantas Frequent Flyer Platinum

Member since 07 Feb 2013

Total posts 431

As a full fee paying F flyer, I would be disappointed that 'guests' are allowed - if one F passenger is permitted a visitor, then all should be granted the same privilege which is untenable.  I would also be disappointed to learn that a F meal was unavailable due to a guest having dined on my option.

And once again - would you became disappointed if you have crying baby next to you in F that cry all 14 hours of flight? What id bigger disappointment - all 14 hours of unbearable noise or couple quietly having dinner together. Mind you I never pretend that "guest" should be serving in expense of pax.
You're getting desperate give it up, check the votes and take a hint.


Member since 18 Nov 2015

Total posts 119

No. And there should be a locked door between First and Economy. 

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